ENVISION spin-off Calosol represented at PROVADA 2021

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The new spin-off Calosol BV is based on technology developed by the ENVISION project, TNO, Emergo and AkzoNobel. On 27th October, TNO and Emergo will present Calosol and its energy-harvesting facade panel technology at the largest Real Estate Fair of […]

ENVISION at Sustainable Places 2021 in Rome

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We are glad to announce that ENVISION will participate in ‘Sustainable Places 2021’ on 30th September in Rome! The project will participate in a workshop dedicated to “RHC solutions for buildings and industry”. This workshop is part of the session […]

Deep renovation Joint Webinar

Join us on 19 May! Buildings account for around 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the European Union. Do you know that the annual rate of home and commercial building renovation is well under the 3% […]


During the second year of the project, the ENVISION consortium focused on the design, development and evaluation of the innovative key enabling technologies to be used for the implementation of the facade energy harvesting solutions for both the opaque and […]


How did you come to know about the opportunity to join ENVISION Project’s Consortium? My Dutch colleague Marcel, who is also part of the ENVISION project, first told me about it. He already had been in contact with TNO, which […]


How did you come to know about the opportunity to join ENVISION Project’s Consortium? NSG/Pilkington was already cooperating with TNO Netherlands. Bart Erich then informed us about the project and it appeared that it perfectly fits in our strategy to […]

ENVISION Second Project Newsletter

We are glad to announce that ENVISION Second Project Newsletter is officially published. Main topics are the following: ENVISION latest achievements Interviews with project partners NSG/PILKINGTON members Past events Save the Date for ENVISION next public events Are you curious […]

Deep renovation Joint Workshop 2.0 postponed

Due to COVID19 emergency, we regret to inform you that our “Deep renovation Joint Workshop 2.0”, organised together with P2Endure and Eensulate #H2020 projects in the framework of Sustainable Places 2020, has been postponed. “P2Endure Deep Renovation Joint Workshop 2.0” […]

Deep renovation Joint Workshop

A great opportunity to promote the collaboration of H2020 research projects in the field of buildings’ renovation! ENVISION team is glad to announce that we successfully co-organised together with P2Endure and Eensulate the Deep renovation Joint Workshop. During the event […]