ENVISION team is co-organising P2Endure event: meet us in Rome!
Are you interested in the most innovative innovative systems for deep renovation of building envelops and technical systems?
If so, we are glad to announce you that ENVISION team is co-organising the “Deep renovation Joint Workshop”, an event hosted by P2Endure project on 5th October in Rome, Italy.
The workshop aims at raising awareness on the most innovative building renovation and energy saving solutions.
In particular, it will bring together stakeholders representing key decision makers and implementers in the field of deep renovation of buildings, along with retrofitting solutions users, and developers for an array of interactive poster sessions and discussions, and a unique hands-on showcase of innovative deep renovation of building solutions.
The workshop is taking place at Hotel Cardinal St Peter Leone Dehon, 71 and it will last from 9.00 to 16.30 pm.
Meet us in Rome and pre-register here!